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We Have 8 Standard Color Options on Oak for HSA Rolltops, Racks, Podiums, and Other Fine Wood Furnishings


All HSA products are available in the seven standard color stains shown above. These are environmentally friendly water-based stain colors and clear acrylic top coat finishes applied to our Northern Red Oak and are included in the price of our products.

Any other stain or variation will be charged a Special Stain Color or "matching" charge. You will need to work closely with your HSA Dealer to order a Special Stain Color. We'll need an actual sample of the wood being matched - it is not possible to get a match by brand name, stain name or formula number. In a Church, for example, examine the pews or woodwork nearest to where the desk or rack will be installed. A hymnal or pencil holder or wall trim can usually be easily removed as a sample. Check the sample by eye and compare just to make sure that it is a good and average representation of the general woodwork color in the area. Larger samples tend to yield better matches. When you send us the sample, we will examine it and immediately forward it to our stain manufacturer who will match and formulate the stain for our waterborne finishing system.

Although stain matching is usually very close, variations will occur as with any real wood finishing. This can be the result of different techniques, aging and even multiple staining/finishing over the life of the sample provided. We will have it matched as accurately as possible and will favor color over grain pattern if possible.

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