
2S: This month's featured installation is a custom design based on the CLASS-II for Hicksville United Methodist Church in Hicksville, New York. You'll notice it's been customized with an additional four and a half inches of depth to it and four casters for easy mobility. This design also includes a locking panel door for added security. This model is great for editing bays, control rooms, and south booths where spaces are tight. Do you or one of your clients have custom need to fit your A/V storage needs? Contact HSA or your HSA Rep to see what solutions we have.

2R: This month's featured installation is a custom design based on the INSEXT-II for Progressive Electronics installed at Holmeswood Baptist Church in Kansas City, MO. The custom sized desks are installed in an existing tech booth. You'll notice the custom corner cabinet to fill the space and allow for more table top space.This design also includes stainless steel tambours for added security, 18-RU rack space and a videobay. This model is a great solution to fit the existing space. Do you or one of your clients have a custom need to fit your existing space? Contact HSA or your HSA Rep to see what solutions we have to your A/V storage needs!

功能,这张漂亮的桌子为 AV 设备提供了一个安全和优雅的存储解决方案。只是
HSA 可以为您完成定制工作的另一个很好的例子!我们努力满足或超越您的特定需求!联系 HSA 或您的 HSA 代表,了解 HSA 能为您做些什么!

2L:我们本月的特色装置是 Armbruster AV 为他们的一位客户设计的。他们选择了Rolltop 自定义四边形为单位的基地,然后加载它了选项他们需要!如图所示,您会看到他们用左上侧的一个单元替换了上部滑出托架,并让我们切断了视频托架以获得额外的显示器空间。为了通风,他们选择了通风的后面板和双风扇,以保持一切顺畅运行。最后。那些选择了自定义染色颜色我们很乐意为他们匹配。 Rolltop Custom Quad 在其周围的外观非常漂亮,无论是打开还是关闭。总而言之,这是一件很棒的作品,在确保设备安全的同时看起来很棒。
图片由 John Morris、Armbruster AV 提供 -规格表