I-Rolltop People
Est. 1974
Chofoza ithebhu eyodwa yomkhiqizo ngenhla ukuze uqalise!
Awukuboni okudingayo? Xhumana nathiukuze uqale umklamo wakho wangokwezifiso namuhla!
Featured Installations

This custom design based on model: INSXT-D. This has the PLUS4 option with a center positioned 20RU rack. Option with Institutional Lock System. Pictured in beautiful Teak stain finish. Image Courtesy - Starlite Productions

Image provided by Bethany Borel from Cookfox Architects, DPC in NYC - https://www.cookfox.com. Desk installed at Mary mount School of NY

Photo by Progressive Electronics installed at Holmeswood Baptist Church in Kansas City, MO.

This custom design based on model: INSXT-D. This has the PLUS4 option with a center positioned 20RU rack. Option with Institutional Lock System. Pictured in beautiful Teak stain finish. Image Courtesy - Starlite Productions

Siyakwamukela ku-HSA, Inc.
Abenzi bekhwalithi ephezulu ye-A/V Rolltop Desks, Lecterns, Racks nokunye iminyaka engaphezu kwengama-30!
Sisebenzisana nawe ukwakha ifenisha yokuhlanganiswa kwakho kwe-A/V kanye nemiklamo. Ngeminyaka yethu engamashumi amathathu nangaphezulu yesevisi nesipiliyoni esizinikezele, sihlinzeka ngezinga eliphezulu kakhulu nemikhiqizo yangokwezifiso embonini.
Chofoza inkinobho engezansi ukuze useshe isixazululo esiphelele sezidingo zakho zesitoreji se-A/V!
Isitatimende Semishini ye-HSA

Aluminum Tambours
Aluminum Tambours are here! These have a less reflective surface, making it perfect for auditoriums and other facilities where light reflection needs kept to a minimum! The interlocking, heavy-duty aluminum tambours provide a higher level of security for those special applications and they look fantastic, too!
Use code: AL

The all new Powder Coated Aluminum Rolltop option is here! These have a less reflective surface, making it perfect for auditoriums and other facilities where light reflection needs kept to a minimum! Give it the blackout option with our powdercoat matte black tambours.
Use code: AL-MB

Perforated tambours allow ventilation even when the rolltop is closed. Powedercoat tambours come in matte black finish. 10 year warranty on all tambours.
Use code: AL-MB-P
I-HSA, Inc. iyikhaya lamadeski ethu aphezulu adumile kuphela, kodwa sinemigqa yomkhiqizo ehambisana nazo zonke izidingo zakho, futhi yonke imigqa yemikhiqizo yethu yenziwa e-USA. Umsebenzi wethu ulungele Izikole, Amasonto Nezindlu Zokukhulekela, Amagumbi Ebhodi, Amathiyetha, Amahhovisi Aphethe kanye nanoma iyiphi enye indawo oyidingayo izixazululo zesitoreji zikanokusho nezivikelekile.
Chofoza kunoma yiziphi izithombe ezingezansi ukuze ziyiswe emakhasini egalari yomkhiqizo, okuhlanganisa izithombe, ulwazi kanye namashidi acacisiwe emigqa yomkhiqizo wethu.
Sinikeza ama-Rolltop Desks - kuwo womabiliOkujwayelekile futhi Uchungechunge Olunwetshiwe,Vula Iziteshi Zokusebenza Zochungechunge,Ama-Racks,I-Credenzas,Izifundo,Izinkundla futhi nokuningi. Udinga inketho evumelana nesabelomali? I-HSA, Inc. ikukhavé nge yethuExpress Series.
Qiniseka ukuthi uvakashela yethuIzinkethoikhasi lezici ezinhle ezengeziwe ze-oda lakho. EyethuQeda Izinkethoikhasi linikeza ulwazi ngazo zonke izinketho zemibala esinazo.
Ingabe ufuna ukufunda okwengeziwe mayelana nekhwalithi yemigqa yomkhiqizo we-HSA nezici? Yiya kithiIkhasi le-FAQ ukufunda eminye imibuzo evame ukubuzwa.I-HSA-TVingakusiza futhi ngezifundo zevidiyo, ukufakwa kwamakhasimende, nokunye okwengeziwe!
Uma usukulungele uku-oda, ungathola omunye wabathengisi bethu eduze nawe kwethiThola Umthengisiikhasi ukukusiza ukuthi ufake i-oda lakho.
Awukwazi ukuthola ukulingana okulungile? Yiya kithiImiklamo Yangokwezifisoikhasi ukuze ubone izibonelo zomsebenzi wethu wangokwezifiso, keXhumana nathiukuze uqalise umklamo wakho namuhla!
Warranty on Tambours
Can't find the right fit?
Head to our Custom Designs page to see examples of our custom work, then Contact Us to get your design started today!
We offer Rolltop Desks - in both the Standard and Extended Series, Open Series Workstations, Racks, Credenzas, Lecterns, Podiums and more.
Needing a budget friendly option? HSA, Inc. has you covered with our Express Series.
Visit our Options page for great additional features for your order.
Our Finish Options page provides information on all the color options we have available.
Want to learn more about the quality HSA product lines and features? Head to our FAQ Page to read up on some commonly asked questions or visit HSA-TV to help you with video tutorials, customer installations, and more!
If you are ready to order, you can find one of our dealers near you on our Find A Dealer page to help you place your order.
Click the button below to see our products installed and in use by our satisfied customers.